Discover the Unheard Stories of Rishikesh: From Beatles to Bungee Jumping

Discover the Unheard Stories of Rishikesh: From Beatles to Bungee Jumping


Unheard Story of Rishikesh

Rishikesh is a popular destination for spiritual seekers, yoga enthusiasts and adventure lovers. But there is more to this holy city than meets the eye. Here are some of the unheard stories of Rishikesh that will make you appreciate its rich history and culture.

The Beatles’ Ashram

One of the most famous landmarks in Rishikesh is the ashram where the Beatles stayed in 1968 and composed many of their songs. The ashram, which was run by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of Transcendental Meditation, attracted many celebrities and hippies who came to learn meditation and experience Indian spirituality. The Beatles wrote about 40 songs during their stay, some of which were featured in their albums The White Album, Abbey Road and Let It Be. The ashram was abandoned in 1997 and became a ruin, but in 2015 it was reopened as a tourist attraction and a museum.

The First Bungee Jumping Site in India

Rishikesh is not only a place for peace and tranquility, but also for thrill and excitement. It is home to the first bungee jumping site in India, which was established in 2010 by Jumpin Heights, a company run by ex-army officers. The site offers a 83-meter jump from a fixed platform over a river valley, as well as other adventure activities like flying fox, giant swing and cliff jumping. The site follows international safety standards and has trained staff and equipment. It is a must-try for adrenaline junkies who want to experience the ultimate free fall.

The Mysterious Skeleton Lake

About 40 km from Rishikesh, there is a glacial lake called Roopkund, which is also known as the Skeleton Lake. The reason for this name is that the lake contains hundreds of human skeletons, some of which are visible when the ice melts. The origin of these skeletons has been a mystery for decades, until recent studies revealed that they belong to a group of pilgrims who died in a hailstorm around the 9th century CE. The lake is situated at an altitude of about 5,000 meters and is surrounded by snow-capped mountains. It is a popular trekking destination for adventurous travelers who want to witness this eerie sight.

The Birthplace of Yoga

Rishikesh is widely regarded as the birthplace of yoga, as it is where the ancient sage Patanjali compiled the Yoga Sutras, the foundational text of yoga philosophy and practice. Rishikesh has many ashrams, temples and schools that teach various forms of yoga and meditation, attracting thousands of students from all over the world. Some of the famous places to learn yoga in Rishikesh are Parmarth Niketan, Sivananda Ashram, Omkarananda Ashram and Swami Dayananda Ashram. Rishikesh also hosts the annual International Yoga Festival in March, which features renowned yoga teachers and practitioners from different traditions and countries.

The Legend of Lakshman Jhula

One of the iconic symbols of Rishikesh is the Lakshman Jhula, a suspension bridge that spans across the Ganges river. According to legend, this bridge was built by Lakshman, the brother of Lord Rama, who crossed the river using a jute rope bridge to reach the Himalayas during their exile. The bridge was rebuilt several times over the centuries, until it was replaced by an iron bridge in 1929. The bridge offers a scenic view of the river and the mountains, and is also a hub for shopping and eating. It is also believed that crossing the bridge washes away one’s sins.

The Sacred Ganga Aarti

One of the most beautiful and spiritual experiences in Rishikesh is witnessing the Ganga Aarti, a ritual that honors the sacred river Ganga (Ganges). Every evening at sunset, hundreds of devotees gather at various ghats (river banks) to offer prayers, chants, lamps and flowers to the river goddess. The most famous place to watch the Ganga Aarti is at Triveni Ghat or Parmarth Niketan Ghat, where priests perform elaborate ceremonies with fire and music. The atmosphere is filled with devotion, joy and peace as people express their gratitude and reverence to the life-giving river.

The Vibrant Street Art

Rishikesh is not only known for its ancient temples and ashrams, but also for its vibrant street art that adds color and charm to its walls and alleys. Many local and international artists have painted murals and graffiti on various themes, such as spirituality, nature, culture and social issues. Some of the places where you can find these artworks are Lakshman Jhula, Ram Jhula, Tapovan and Swarg Ashram. The street art of Rishikesh reflects its diversity and creativity, and also raises awareness and inspires action.

These are some of the unheard stories of Rishikesh that reveal its diverse and fascinating aspects. Rishikesh is a place that can offer something for everyone, whether it is spirituality, adventure, culture or nature. It is a place that deserves to be explored and experienced.

If you are interested in visiting Rishikesh and discovering its hidden gems, you can book your trip with us. We offer customized packages that suit your preferences and budget. Contact us today and get ready for an unforgettable journey.

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