"No Genuine Will To Sincerely Fight Terrorism": India Slams China At UN

"No Genuine Will To Sincerely Fight Terrorism": India Slams China At UN


Something Genuinely Wrong: India Slams China Move On Pak-Based Terrorist

India has strongly condemned China's move to block a proposal at the United Nations to designate Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorist Sajid Mir, wanted for his involvement in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, as a global terrorist. China, an all-weather friend of Islamabad, has repeatedly put holds on listings to blacklist Pakistan-based terrorists under the sanctions committee of the UN Security Council.

Sajid Mir, believed to be in his mid 40s, is one of India's most wanted terrorists and has a bounty of $5 million placed on his head by the US for his role in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks. He was LeT's operations manager for the attacks, playing a leading role in their planning, preparation, and execution. He also conspired to commit a terrorist attack against a newspaper and its employees in Denmark between 2008 and 2009.

In June last year, Mir was jailed for over 15 years in a terror-financing case by an anti-terrorism court in Pakistan. Pakistani authorities had in the past claimed Mir had died, but Western countries remained unconvinced and demanded proof of his death. This issue became a major sticking point in FATF's assessment of Pakistan's progress on the action plan late last year.

Beijing blocked the proposal that had been moved by the US and co-designated by India to blacklist Mir under the 1267 Al Qaeda Sanctions Committee of the UN Security Council as a global terrorist and subject him to assets freeze, travel ban and arms embargo. In September last year, it was learnt that China had put a hold on the proposal to designate Mir at the UN. Beijing has now blocked the proposal.

India has expressed its disappointment and dismay over China's decision to shield a Pak-based terrorist from global sanctions. India's Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador T S Tirumurti said that China's move is \"something genuinely wrong\" and \"not conducive\" to peace and stability in South Asia.

He said that China's action reflects its \"double standards\" on counter-terrorism and its \"selective approach\" to combating terrorism. He added that India will continue to pursue all available avenues to ensure that terrorist leaders who are involved in heinous attacks on Indian citizens are brought to justice.

China's move to block India's bid to tag Sajid Mir as a global terrorist is not only a setback for India's fight against terrorism but also a blow to the international efforts to combat the menace of terrorism. It exposes China's hypocrisy and complicity in supporting Pakistan's state-sponsored terrorism. It also undermines the credibility and effectiveness of the UN Security Council as a body that is supposed to uphold global peace and security.

 India-China Relations: A History of Conflict and Cooperation

India and China have a long and complex history of relations, dating back to more than 2,000 years ago. The two ancient civilizations have interacted through trade, culture, religion and diplomacy over the centuries. The Silk Road served as a major conduit for the exchange of goods and ideas between India and China, as well as facilitating the spread of Buddhism from India to East Asia.

However, the modern relationship between India and China began in 1950, when India became one of the first countries to end formal ties with the Republic of China (Taiwan) and recognize the People's Republic of China (PRC) as the legitimate government of both Mainland China and Taiwan. India and China established diplomatic relations and initially followed a policy of peaceful coexistence, based on the Five Principles of Panchsheel: mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence.

The relationship soured in 1959, when China annexed Tibet, a region that India considered as a buffer zone and a source of cultural affinity. India granted asylum to the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, who fled from Chinese persecution. China accused India of interfering in its internal affairs and supporting separatism in Tibet.

The border dispute between India and China erupted into a full-scale war in 1962, when Chinese troops launched a surprise attack on Indian positions along the disputed frontier in the Himalayan region. The war lasted for a month and resulted in a humiliating defeat for India, which lost territory and suffered heavy casualties. The war also created a deep sense of mistrust and hostility between the two countries, which lasted for decades.

The border dispute remained unresolved despite several rounds of negotiations. The two countries also clashed militarily in 1967 at Nathu La and Cho La passes in Sikkim, and in 1987 at Sumdorong Chu valley in Arunachal Pradesh. The border issue became more complicated by China's claims over Arunachal Pradesh, which it calls South Tibet, and India's support for Bhutan's sovereignty over Doklam plateau, which China claims as part of its territory.

Despite the border tensions, India and China gradually resumed diplomatic and economic ties from the late 1980s onwards. The two countries signed several agreements to maintain peace and stability along the border, to enhance trade and investment, to cooperate on regional and global issues, and to foster cultural and people-to-people exchanges. The two countries also established strategic dialogue mechanisms at various levels, including summit meetings between their leaders.

India and China are two of the major regional powers in Asia, and are the two most populous countries and among the fastest growing major economies in the world. Growth in diplomatic and economic influence has increased the significance of their bilateral relationship. Between 2008 and 2021, China has been India's largest trading partner, and the two countries have also extended their strategic and military relations .

However, conflict of interest leads to hostility. India has a large trade deficit that is favoured towards China. The two countries have divergent views on issues such as human rights, democracy, terrorism, climate change, multilateralism, regional security and connectivity. India is wary of China's growing assertiveness and influence in its neighbourhood, especially in Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Myanmar. India is also concerned about China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which aims to build infrastructure and connectivity projects across Eurasia and Africa. India sees BRI as a strategic threat to its sovereignty and interests.

The border dispute remains the most contentious issue between India and China. The two countries have witnessed several incidents of military standoff and confrontation along their disputed border in recent years. The most serious one occurred in June 2020 at Galwan Valley in Ladakh, where at least 20 Indian soldiers were killed by Chinese troops using sticks
and stones. This was the first fatal clash between the two sides since 1975. Another face-off took place in January 2021 at Naku La in Sikkim, where soldiers from both sides were injured. In September 2021, China accused India of firing shots at its troops at Pangong Tso lake in Ladakh, while India accused China of firing into the air². This was the first time in 45 years that shots were fired at the border, violating a 1996 agreement that prohibited the use of guns and explosives near the border.

The two countries have held several rounds of military and diplomatic talks to de-escalate the situation and restore peace and tranquility along the border. In February 2021, the two sides announced a disengagement process from the Pangong Tso area, where they had built up troops and fortifications. However, the disengagement has not been completed in other friction points, such as Hot Springs, Gogra and Depsang. The two sides have also agreed to establish a hotline between their foreign ministers to facilitate communication and avoid misunderstandings.

The future of India-China relations is uncertain and challenging. The two countries have to balance their cooperation and competition, their common interests and differences, their mutual respect and mistrust. The two countries have to find ways to resolve their border dispute peacefully and fairly, to manage their trade and economic ties equitably and sustainably, to engage in dialogue and consultation on regional and global issues constructively and respectfully, and to promote cultural and people-to-people exchanges positively and harmoniously. The two countries have to realise that they have much to gain from cooperation and much to lose from confrontation. The two countries have to work together for their own benefit and for the common good of Asia and the world.

(2) China Shields Pakistani Terrorists Once Again, Blocks US-India Bid At UN To Declare 26/11 Attacks Accused As Global Terrorist. https://swarajyamag.com/news-brief/china-shields-pakistani-terrorists-once-again-blocks-us-india-bid-at-un-to-declare-2611-attacks-accused-as-global-terrorist.

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